Sunday, December 09, 2007

Recent JLA Activity

In the last week, the June Lake Advocates has communicated responses and concerns over the June Lake Rodeo Grounds Proposed Specific Plan Environmental Scoping to area agencies. Three letters have been published in this blog space for you to review. They may be downloaded as pdf documents. They are:
  1. Official response by the JLA to the environmental scoping. (PDF LINK)
  2. Secondary concerns and response. (PDF LINK)
  3. Letter to the USFS (Forest Service) identifying environmental concerns over water resources. (PDF LINK)
In summary, the Plan appears to ignore and violate the Mono County General Plan, the June Lake 2010 Area Plan and the June Lake Design Guidelines, and claims precedence over the General Plan. At this time, we are very concerned about the preservation of the scenic and environmental health of the June Lake Loop.

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